The M2S Series: Say Hey To Shyla, Senior Exec.
It’s the people who make a company. As a startup, we are waking up to the inherent truth in the saying. To introduce you to the pivotal people who make Do Your Thng, we present the M2S series.
Getting To Know Person 3 Of DYT: Shyla
Well technically, person 1, because Shyla was the first full-time, on-site employee who Ankit hired. She’s been there for everyone’s first-day-at-DYT.
So, we’re a bit emotional while writing this.
Moving right along, here are a few things about her to get you acquainted better…
Her Official Designation
By the books, Shyla is the Senior Executive, Client and Campaign Management position.
Her Unofficial & Much More Important Position
Off the record, she is Our Lord and Saviour.
You know that one person in the office you can go to knowing, just knowing that they’ll solve everything? That’s Shyla for us. A superwoman.
Her Monday Face
Monday is barely a day for us. We mosey along until the 4th cuppa kicks in or after we’ve had a glimpse of Shyla’s face.
Her mere presence in our line of sight acts as a cognitive signal to get over our #MondayBlues.
Those were fancy words for: her face is ‘the warmest, happiest thing you have ever seen.’
Her Saturday Face
Most of us are alive by the skin of our teeth as Saturday rolls in. Shyla, on the other hand, is still ‘the warmest, happiest thing you have ever seen.’
The only difference? She’s now ready to spend some quality time selecting the perfect cake from Big Chill.
What’s Her Bread + Butter?
The world survives on tea and coffee. Shyla does it on hot chocolate. And anyone who has beef with it. Don’t @ her!
And where there is hot chocolate, there are cookies. Also, we did tell you about her Saturday cakes, right?
So, in a word — sugar. A lot of sugar. That’s what she survives on.
But the real answer is Shimona — the other half of Shyla.
What The Team Thinks About Her
It is a universally acknowledged truth that not everyone will like you. It is also a universally acknowledged truth that there is always an exception that proves the rule.
Shyla is that exception.
She is the most loved person in the entire team, no-holds-barred. We opine it’s a medical impossibility not to like her.
What The Team ‘Really’ Thinks About Her
Both a work necessity and an emotional crutch, Shyla is our gateway into a world that has some semblance of order.
Those were fancy words for: without her, we’d all be handicapped.
And now that she is moving onto the next chapter of her life, it is going to be a damp, drizzly January in our souls.
What She Brings To Do Your Thng?
For Do Your Thng, Shyla is the factotum. The Girl Friday who can expertly handle a brand campaign while designing a graphic and all that time she is brainstorming the next dessert to try.
More than that, she is the patient person who will listen to each of us yatter and rant for hours on end.
What DYT Brings To Her?
Shyla says, “I went for the first cup of coffee with Ankit reluctantly and in no moods of joining as an intern. It took all of a minute to change my mind. What sold me was his abundance of energy.”
And for that, she is grateful beyond words. DYT gave her a positive and cherished space to grow professionally. While there have been moments when she was ready to pull out her hair, at the end of the day, it became more than just a job.
For Some More Down And Dirty On Shyla: