The M2S Series: Say Hello To Ankit Agrawal, DYT’s Founder
It’s the people who make a company. As a startup, we are waking up to the inherent truth in the saying. To introduce you to the pivotal people who make Do Your Thng, we present the M2S series.
Getting To Know Person 1 Of DYT: Ankit Agarwal
The first team meeting we held at Do Your Thng, a brave new soul put up a shaky hand (we think it was an intern, hence the hand) and asked, “Why is Thng spelt without the ‘i’ and not the usual way?
The entire room perked up its ears because frankly, each one of us wanted an answer.
“Domain name nahi mila, isliye”, Ankit quipped.
And that’s Ankit Agarwal in a nutshell.
Moving right along, here are a few things about him to get you acquainted…
His Official Designation
You know right before a royal enters, someone says “pray silence for…” followed by a bunch of officious sounding titles?
For Ankit, those are CEO, Founder & Entrepreneur. He is the man working towards democratising influencer marketing space in India.
His Unofficial & Much More Important Position
In reality, when others ask us who he is the reply is, “the one who made Do Your Thng.”
But within the team he holds a much more important position — the puppy hopped up on too much caffeine. Literally!
His Monday Face
The start of Ankit’s day is without fail the same — with a workout. He is religious about fitness and it carries over to his work.
Each morning starts with a short story on, you guessed it, exercising. We, who love their couches and potatoes, suffer through them with barely contained patience.
His Saturday Face
“Jao jao ghar jao, Saturday hai.” That’s what he repeats all day and we thank him from the bottom of our party-loving-hearts.
FYI, for us mortals, it is the saving grace to the exuberant enthusiasm he shows during the rest of the workweek.
What’s His Bread + Butter?
Jokes and Google calendar. He can’t live without either of them. We’ve personally witnessed him saying, “Oh, the calendar says it is time for lunch” and then get up have it (SMH).
When we say jokes, don’t picture Vir Das or Hasan Minaj material. Ankit cracks the stupidest/ lamest jokes ever.
But, but, but. He is super chill if no one even makes an effort to laugh at them. He is happy and content laughing at himself.
What The Team Thinks About Him
The words you’ll hear about Ankit at the DYT offices are: “His energy is terrifying” and “Motivates me no matter what the situation is.”
What The Team ‘Really’ Thinks About Him.
The words you’ll hear about Ankit at the DYT offices when he is not in are: “the chill pill boss” and “sab chalta hai.”
What He Brings To Do Your Thng?
For Do Your Thng, Ankit is the bedrock. It’s under his aegis and experience, which spans more than a decade in advertising, that the community-driven platform has reached every milestone. Without Ankit’s balanced mix of goodwill, energy and positivity, DYT would not be what it is today.
What DYT Brings To Him?
If you’ve met us (at the many events we host or partner) or read about us (website or blog peeps) or stalked us (on our socials), you know that the heart of Do Your Thng is its people. So, an introduction to Ankit is incomplete without talking about how DYT has impacted him.
Ankit says, “Everyday is like treading upon life’s banana skin. You slip, you get up, you laugh and you carry on. That last part — to carry on with ease no matter what — I don’t think I knew how before DYT.”